I know a lot of us have made new year's resolutions to be healthier so here are some things that I do to help me keep on track.
Eat a variety of healthy foods. Whole grains, fresh veggies and fruits, milk products, etc. Choose low fat, less salt, etc when you can.
Get moving!! It's recommended that adults get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, while children need a full hour each day. Get yourself moving - shovel snow, take the dogs for a walk, go to the gym. But whatever you do : stick with it!!
Find encouragement! I really find that having friends or family members along on your healthy journey helps. I try to talk to at least one supportive person a day. It really helps motivate you!
Track what you eat. Get a journal, get a notebook, use your iPhone or BB, use something like Sparkpeople...I don't care how you do it but seriously, you NEVER know what you're putting into your body until you start tracking it.
I've successfully lost 12 lbs over the past few months by doing these few things. I hope your new year's resolutions to be healthier, lose weight, eat better, etc go as well as mine!