Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wedding Wednesday - Invites

So we've only got 7 months til the wedding.  It seems like just yesterday we got engaged.  Where did all that time go?! I have a dress, I have a veil.  We have a guest list,wedding party, venue, caterer, photog....what else do we need....Oh yes, those ominous invitations!  Well, being the crazy that I am, I've decided to make my own invitations.  I want them to be fun, fit with the colours, simple and really just something nice that I can send to people.  Oh...and I'd like to not spend an arm and a leg or 4 months of my life making them.  Simple requests, right?  Well, maybe not.  I've spent MONTHS looking for invitations.  It's hard business. I couldn't find anything I liked.  It was too simple or it didn't fit or it wasn't what I wanted.  Here's some of the things I came across that were close but just not it...

It's alright..but not at all what I wanted.  First thing I found when I googled "red and yellow wedding invites".

This is super cute but it was out of price range.  And it's not quite right...

I liked red and yellow.  But not quite it.

And then I found...
THIS!! I love it.  No it's not red and yellow but it's easy enough for me to switch out the black for some nice yellow patterned paper.  It's a DIY kit from the Uncommon Bride, which I believe is out of Montreal, and I'm in love.  I'm going to use this as my inspiration, tweak it a bit and let 'er rip!!  I'm quite excited.

I'll post pics once I've gotten a sample done.  Thoughts? Suggestions?


  1. I love them. Can't wait to see the finished product!

  2. I really love them! Look forward to seeing them
