Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Shameless Self Promotion

Today and tomorrow I will be in Toronto with a team of kids from the Junior Achievement Company Program, in Halifax.  Wait, what, why?!  You may ask...well, because I've been volunteering with this company for the past 15 weeks and they've ROCKED MY WORLD!  And everyone elses!  But lets start from the beginning (a logical place, don't you think?)

Junior Achievement Company Program is basically a program that allows students to create their own company and their own product in 18 weeks.  They go from development to having a full executive team and staff to selling to shutting down their company.  In 18 weeks.  Intense, huh?

I got involved in JA because a friend of mine works for them.  She invited me to be part of it...and how could I say no to mentoring our future leaders!?!  I love it.  There are 4 of us, advisors.  And we have a group of 12 wonderful kids!  And smart? HOLY!  They have this amazaballs product called Texttens.  They are mittens, with removable thumbs so you can text and stay warm. Brilliant right?!

Shown with their school logo.

These kids are smart.  Like, smart smart smart! And they're passionate.  I'm so thankful I've been able to be a part of this we got to Toronto...They won the Pitch It! Competition!  Think Dragon's Den (or Shark Tank for the Americans in the room).  They did a regional Pitch It! (Dragon's Den) and provincial Pitch It! and they KILLED IT!  Their reward was Dinner with a Dragon.  So we're headed off to Toronto to meet Arlene Dickinson.  I'm PUMPED.  The kids are PUMPED! We're all just very excited and feel very lucky to be part of this program.  So that's where I'll be for the next two days with part of the Texttens team.  Will report back on sales and successes soon! (And stay turned for an indepth look at how the kids are doing, what their sales are, and all that fun stuff!)

And if you want a pair of Texttens..let me know! We only have 75 (ish) left and they're going fast!

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