Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday Five!!

Time for my Friday Five, as posted by the lovely Mama M. at Five Crooked Halos!

1) If you could speak with a different accent, what would it be?
Probably Irish.  I love a good thick Irish accent!!

2) Can you fall asleep anywhere?
I can actually only (usually) fall asleep in a bed.  Preferably my bed.  I've been known to sleep in chairs or on couches when I've had a few too many adult beverages but generally, being a larger lady, it's a lot easier to sleep in a good ol' bed.

3)Do you use public restrooms? If so, do you sit on the toilet?
I've been known to use a public restroom or two.  If I do use them I wipe 'em down with toilet paper and then sit.  Hovering is annoying.

4) If you were stuck in an elevator for 24 hours, what celebrity would you most want to be stuck with?
Hmmmm...Chelsea Handler.  She'd have a good amount of Belvedere Vodka that we could enjoy...I'm sure it would be a good time!!

5) Where did you and your significant other go on your first date?
We went to Tim Hortons and had coffee.  We stayed for over 3 hours and just talked.  *sigh* It was wonderful!!

1 comment:

  1. I also wipe and sit. Hovering is overrated! I'm scared I would pee myself. :)
