Tuesday, September 14, 2010

So apparently I'm fat...


Kidding!! Obviously, as an *ahem* larger woman I know that I could stand to lose a few pounds.  It's really been a lifelong battle for me, as it has for many women, and I know it's not a battle that I'll always win.  I'm okay with the fact that I'm a chubby lady.  I'm (to quote the doctor) "really healthy", aside from my obvious chub.  And the only reason I was in there was to get my levels (B12, folic acid, etc) under control and discuss the possibility of babies and how to start preparing.*** So we got that down and I thought I was good to go when...

He starts to lecture me on:
- How I should eat healthier (Uh, did you ever ASK what I ate? No. Whole grains, fresh fruits/veg and lean meats...) 
- How I should exercise 90 mins a day to get me down to my healthy weight (yeah, I should, but tell me where do you find almost 2 hrs a day to go to the gym? I can only find 30 mins 3X a week) 
- Also, about how I must not be eating well because if I was then I wouldn't have low vitamin levels (or it could have something to do with the fact that I'm anemic and low levels of this stuff tend to run in the women in my family...so we all get supplements and eat healthy....?)

I'm really tired of medical professionals assuming any problem people have is assoicated with their weight. Yes, some problems are weight related but seriously - since when is my folic acid levels or my iron levels related to my waist line?! Oh and then he told me that "You're in really good shape and very healthy for a large young lady." So, what you're telling me is that I'm healthy but if I was skinnier I'd be healthier? WELL DUH! I get that. I came to see you for a consult on my levels and blood work...I didn't come here to have you tell me how fat I am. 

So, loyal reader, just an FYI according to the medical profession I am chubby.

I think I deserve a snack....
Just kidding!!

***DAD! STOP! I know if you're reading this you're saying "YES! BABYS!" That's not the case.  We just want to be prepared so that when we do decide to have kids we'll be ready to go.  Sorry to disappoint but you're just going to have to hang out with the pugs for a little longer. 


  1. YES! BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Er, wait...I wasn't supposed to say that?!?

    I feel that "fat" and "unhealthy" don't go hand in hand. There are people out there that, technically, according to the BMI scale, are considered "overweight" but are incredibly healthy. There's skinny b*tches that are the most unhealthy people on earth. I think how well you take care of yourself should matter more than a number on a scale.

    ps. I think you're gorgeous. So there. :P

  2. You just melted my heart of ice and stone. Thx Katie;)

  3. Oh how I long for Canadian tots....
