Thursday, May 13, 2010

Spring Cleaning

I haven't abandoned you, I swear! It's just been very busy around here.  I've got volunteer work, real work, a relationship, my dogs, trying to get to the gym...and omg I've been sick!

So it's that time of year - time to spring clean!! What does your Spring Cleaning entail?  Well mine is not a lot.  I know I know! I need to get on it.  Some people clean their entire houses from top to bottom, I don't.  I keep my house neat and tidy but I really hate the idea of spending ALL my energy and time cleaning someone elses house.  I mean really, we rent, why am I going to go to great lengths to keep it? Well really, the place looks better now than when we moved in...but that's another story.

So here's my routine, let's hear about yours...

Weekend One - The usual, vacuuming the house, mop the floors, laundry (drying on the line!!!) and dishes.
Weekend Two - Clean all furniture, wash all rugs/carpets/pillows/blankets/throws/etc, probably vacuuming again (those pugs shed like MAD)
Weekend three - Closet clean.  Anything you haven't worn in 3 months goes. (Excluding special occasion dresses, etc) Bedroom clean and bathroom clean (shower stall, mop floors, wipe down walls, toliet clean, curtains, the WHOLE thing!)

And then I'm done.  Yes it takes me 3 weekend b/c I only work on Sundays.  Saturdays are my days off.  Live with it;)

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