Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday Five!

Time again for the fabulous Friday Five, brought to you by Mama M at My Little Life.

1) Did you have a pen pal when you were little (or now)? Where were/are they from?
We had a pen pal project when we were in school.  We wrote letters to another class in the same city and they wrote back.  My pen pal's name was Erin and she lived about 10 minutes away from me.  hahaha

2) If you could do a different job for one day, what would it be?
I'd want to be a teacher.  I always thought about being a teacher...maybe some day...

3) Do you remember your biggest fear from when you were little?
I was terrified of bridges.  Still make me queasy.

4) What do you think is a waste of time? Why?
I think calling pretty much any customer service center is a waste of time.  You're on hold for 20 minutes then you get someone who can't really help you and most of the time you end up getting frustrated before they get someone who fixes the problem in 5 minutes.  So why did it take 30 minutes to get there? Waste of time.  I just go in to the stores now...if I can.

5) What is the oldest item you have in your closet?
Well I keep my blankets in my closet so if we're talking the physical space then it's a quilt from my grandmother (I think her mother made it..).  If we're talking clothing then probably my Curtis house FROSH shirt from 2004.  GO CURTIS BULLDOGS!!

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