Friday, February 25, 2011

YouTube Sensation!!

Have you ever dreamt of going viral?  No, not like H1N1 viral, I'm talking YouTube sensation viral!  Well, I always have.  Sadly, I'm camera shy.  But Mr. Dan and his friends are not!!  There has been this video floating around on YouTube since about 2004, of Mr. Dan and his two best friends (and cohorts in crime) Matt and Steve.  And this week, it hit a milestone.

Now Mr. Dan likes his pizza.  He likes his pizza a lot.  And when you get Mr. Dan, Steve and Matt together on a Saturday night there is quite often pizza involved.  And ALWAYS a camera, coursey of Matt.  Now, this certain Saturday night (unfortunately a few years before I met Mr. Dan) these gentlemen were quite hungry.  So hungry, in fact, that they ordered the LARGEST pizza  I have ever seen from Rassy's Pizza in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  Now, I'm sure you're like "Oh yeah, Paige, big pizza...whoop de fuckin' doo." Well kids, this pizza was 38 inches.  Which is 3.16 feet, or 96.52 cm, which is a BIG EFFIN PIZZA!  So in honour of Mr. Dan, Steve and Matt reaching 4,000 hits please enjoy.

Mr. Dan - YouTube Sensation


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