Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday Five!

This is something new I'm going to try.  I wandered on over to My Little Life earlier today and she has this five questions up each Friday.  I think it would be fun to play along.  So without further ado...

1) What is the first nightmare you remember?
I had this reoccurring nightmare from since before I can remember until I was about 18.  I was being chased through our house by his HUGE wolf.  It was big and black and it would chase me up the stairs (we lived on the top floor of my grandparent's house) then I'd slam the door and lean against it.  I could hear it out there growling and then it would get quiet.  I'd look and it would be gone.  I'd be excited until I realized it was coming for the back door.  So I'd run to shut that door and it would ALMOST get in.  Then I'd realize I hear the front door open and it would continue with me running back and forth for what seemed like ages.  Eventually I'd be running across a bridge that was made of rope and I'd fall through and wake up.

2) Even if you're not a sports fan, what is your favorite sport to play/watch?
I love hockey.  I'm Canadian.  I can't help it.

3) If you could pull off one piece of trendy fashion, what would it be?
I dunno...maybe something about leggings.  I like leggings but I refuse to wear a t-shirt and leggings, they have to be under a dress or long shirt.  So maybe leggings with just a nice tee or something...

4) Did you make good grades in school?
Yes.  Except once I hit grade 8 my French grades hit the can.  I found conjugating those damned verbs really hard! SO MANY!

5) What magazines do you subscribe to?
None!! lol
I used to have a subscription to Bon Appetit but it was a gift and once it ran out I left it alone.  

1 comment:

  1. The only time I can stomach wearing leggings is under a long shirt. At least then I know all my squishy bits are hidden, and the outfit is actually pretty comfy. There was actually a period of time earlier this year where I practically lived in a pair of black leggings and a long grey tunic top.
