Monday, September 13, 2010

Road trip!!

So as you know, my loyal reader, my hiatus has been long (almost 2 weeks!) but I promise it was worth it.  I have returned to you with eye candy! But you don't get to see it yet.  First you need to sit through my explanation of the glorious trip that Dan and I went on.

So pay attention.  There might be a quiz at the end.

My aunt lives in Lunenburg, Mass. It's about an hour outside of Bahhston and it's a lovely little New England town with nice homes and rolling green lawns.  Dan and I decided that this Labour Day weekend we would take some extra vacation, pack up Red, head the pugs to Mom's and drive from Halifax, NS to Lunenburg, Mass.  On the way we would stop in St. Stephen, NB to visit friends, then Kittery, Maine to go shopping and eventually we'd make it Rindge, NH to play at the cottage.

Meet Red, my Yaris hatchback.

So we dropped off the dogs and headed out.   It takes about 5 hours to get from Halifax to St. Stephen and there was a hurricane predicted for the following day but that didn't deter me (Dan was a little nervous, though!).  I headed off into the rain and eventually we made it to St. Stephen.  The next morning, after a lovely breakfast at the Red Rooster country store/gas station/restaurant, we headed across the border.  Luck was with us and the lovely American gentleman at customs told us to "Have a safe trip."  And we were off!!  12 hours later (8 p.m.) we arrived in Lunenburg.  And bless my aunt, she had the wine ready to go!!

Rindge, NH and tours of Pack Monadnock and the Cathedral of the Pines were to follow.  Here's some eye candy for you...
Cathedral of the Pines.  More info:

Holy beautiful, Batman!!

That is my lovely fiancé's hand, pointing out where Boston is.

This is our proof that we made it to the top!

So after our adventures in NH we were ready to head into the big city.  BAHHSTON HERE WE COME!!  We set out early on Tuesday and headed into Boston via the Subway.  I must say the subway is WAY better than our silly Halifax Metro Transit...but I digress..
The first stop in Beantown was the New England Aquarium, one of my favorite places!! I'm obsessed with the penguins there.  They have 80 different penguins...with 80 personalities!! They also have a HUGE coral reef (we're talking 4 or 5 stories tall here, people!) filled with sharks and fish and all manner of underwater creatures.
These two love-birds were staring at us the whole time!

Mrs. Turtle was chillin' at the bottom of the reef.
OH and did I mention I found a...
BUTTON!! From over at Blogging with Button
Button knew we were coming to town and arranged to be in Bahhston (one of her not-so-favorite places) just to hang out for the day.  Needless to say after we did some shopping and sea-creature watching we dropped into the hotel to chill out for a bit.  We needed to freshen up and find the rest of the crew.
You'd be tired after being boiled!!

Dan decided to stay at the hotel to use their wi-fi and sleep number beds but Button and I, along with those faithful NEY'ers from The Knot (Katanne and NQB) headed out for some dinner and drinks.  I must say wandering around Boston with 3 ladies from New York can make for an interesting night...
Our bartender, Jim.

We decided to close the place down! Jim bought us some shots to celebrate.
Button, Kat, myself and NQB enjoying an evening in Bahhston.
The next day Dan and I said goodbye to the ladies and headed back to Lunenburg.  However, the story isn't quite over...I went wedding dress shopping that afternoon.  But more on that another time.


  1. I cannot believe you left us hanging at wedding dress shopping. I need to know more about wedding dress shopping.

    It looks like you guys had a phenom time! So COOL that you got to hang out with Button! I LOVE her! And Penguins. I love Penguins.
