Monday, August 15, 2011

Congratulations, from the Queen!

Mr. Dan's grandparents have been married for 60 years.  That's 6-0.  60.  And they are as much in love today as they were then they got married.  They make me smile at the thought of being with Mr. Dan for that long...

So Nanny and Poppa's family had a big to-do this weekend to celebrate their anniversary.  They rented out the community centre and had an open house.  Complete with wedding decor, arches, diamonds (because your 60th is your diamond anniversary), ceremony arch, photographer and a wedding cake!!  Poppa even wore the shoes he got married in.

The fam jam!

They're in love!

Congratulations...FROM THE QUEEN!!


  1. This is so cool. And adorable <3 Especially your comment about you and Mr. Dan!

  2. I'm tardy to the party....

    But thanks Bren <3

    They really are just the sweetest, most in-love couple I know. I want to be just like them when I grow up;)
