Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I was pretty sure this was 2011....

But maybe I'm wrong.  Maybe we're back in the 50's where women lived in their kitchen and raised their kids, where people of a different ethnicity stayed in "their sections", where gays weren't gay...I didn't think I time traveled that easily but I MUST have done it because otherwise I just don't get it...

Two close friends of mine (a same sex couple) are planning their wedding.  Their Grandmother/FGMIL recently went to a shop in Maine to order their invitations for them.  The invitations were designed and made by her and they just needed them printed.  

(Sidebar: The guys are in NB, on the border, so g-ma getting something in Maine and bringing it over on the weekend saves a lot of cash!  Smart men!!)

Anyhoar, she discussed the invitations with the person at the store and was told she'd have a quote in a week.  The next week she hadn't heard so they contacted the store.  They were told that due to "Ethical policy" they wouldn't be doing their invitations.  They had been rejected based on content. Basically they were told "no thanks, you're gay".  Now, normally I wouldn't post this company's name but I feel people deserve to know who they're dealing with; the company was Wilton Printed Products out of Wilton, Maine.

I'm absolutely disgusted that it's 2011 and there is a "company policy" that would prohibit someone from printing wedding invitations for a same-sex couple!  It makes me both angry and sad at the same time.  I'm pissed that someone wouldn't want to help these two wonderful young men with their wedding and I'm sad that there are still people that don't support love.  What has happened to love in this world?! These gentlemen deserve a beautiful wedding and they deserve to be happy.  Why is there STILL a company out there that will not serve them?!  I don't understand how people can hate love so much.  I just don't understand...

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