How is it that today, in 2011, we're still dealing with people who are bullying others? How is it that in our "advanced" society that we have CHILDREN KILLING THEMSELVES?! How is it that the so-called ADULTS in our world continue this behavior in the work site, ignore or defend the actions of their of children and do NOTHING to help our teach our children right from do ANYTHING to help these children understand the pain that they're inflicting on other people in the world. I want to tell the kids of today that it will stop. It will get are STRONG.... poor kid. I know how he feels. I'm big. I always have been. I've been bullied. But I didn't give up - I fought back because I knew it was wrong. I knew I had support and I knew it would get better.
I knew that some day it would get better. How did I know that? I don't really know...I just felt it in my heart. I knew that was no way that this would go on for the rest of my life. I knew there was something I could do to change it. So, do you know what I did? I decided to tell them how it was, and it was going to be. I said, at the age of 14 to the people that tormented me, something like this:
I AM smarter than you are. I AM stronger than you are. I AM braver than you are. And one day, in the future, I will be more educated, better adjusted, loved by my true friends, loved by my family and at peace with the choices I've made in my life. Some day, I WILL be your boss. And then maybe you'll realize that all this shit, all this crap you've put me and countless others through will have done nothing but proved that you are a small, unhappy person.
I just want to reach out to all these other kids that feel how I did...I want them to know that it DOES get better. Stand up, speak out, be yourself. Because someday, you could be their boss. And then you can show them the compassion that they never showed you. Gay, straight, fat or thin, black, white, Asian or pink, it gets better. It does get better.