Saturday, September 10, 2011


So I know you've all been dying to her about my amazing, fantabulous, AWESOMELY SPECTACULAR wedding...and so I give you the wedding recap:

Sunday morning was lovely. I couldn't sleep much past 5:30 but that was fine. All the ladies (mom, BM's, aunts, a few girlfriends and I) ate breakfast in the hotel then the BMs and I  relaxed in the room. We had champagne and OJ, played on Facebook, ordered pizza and just chilled out. Everyone kept joking with me that I was too relaxed, but honestly I just was. I had this wonderful sense of calm. No nerves, no jitters, just calm. It was AWESOME.

At 2:45 mom came and got us for the ceremony. We all went down and the music started. Girls went in and when it was time for us Dad just grabbed my arm and looked at me and said "Steady now. We've got this one." And then smiled at me and we were off. The ceremony was great (I kept grabbing looks at Mr. Dan) and only 10 minutes!! We signed the papers and then waited for Grandpa to come pronounce us....3 minutes....4 minutes...finally my aunt went over and then Grandpa comes back "My daughter told me I should now pronounce that we have Mr. and Mrs.Paige." I almost bust out laughing. Then all you hear is our photog yell "KISS THE BRIDE!!!" and the people in the seats start yelling "Yeah! Kiss her!!" "KIss Kiss!!"! Too funny! After it was just a blur of hugs and kisses.

Pictures were awesome! We went to the Public Gardens (beautiful!) with our family and the wedding party. Then just Mr. Dan and I headed with the photogs to another park, some woods, a pond and some random train tracks. I think we're going to have some AMAZING pictures. AND my photogs were amazing! Karen kept checking on us, Brian was bringing us drinks and setting up shots without us even knowing it. They made it so easy! (

After that we met up with the wedding party and had a drink in our suite. Then we headed down to the reception. I could hear my brother annoucing us but no music. I thought it was weird but Drew (banquet manager) said it was okay and we'd just go with it. I was okay. So we get annouced and cheer and yay and suuuuch and then sit down. And I look over to see no DJ. Uh...what? So I grab Drew (who was AMAZING the entire night! He made sure everyone was taken care of, nothing went wrong or if it did he fixed it, and he kept getting us beer ♥ ) and ask. He says he'll figure it out. 60 minutes in to the reception (and while we're eating) the DJ shows up. (NOt sure what happened BUT he made up for it with the dance.) Speeches were AMAZABALLS. Dan's dad didn't want to speak but he wrote something and read it to us privately part-way through the reception. I'm getting copies of the speeches so I'll share later♥

Anyhoar: My brother was seriously an awesome MC. He was funny and quick and witty...just like I always tell him!! lol! He even said he really enjoyed himself. And everyone kept commenting saying "I didn't know your brother was so funny!" "How did I miss his sense of humour?!" It was GREAT!

The food was AMAZING! Like seriously some of the best food I've ever had. We got so many compliments on it. And zomg I agree...NOMMMM! Mom thought it would be funny to annouce to each table with kids that the candy buffet was now open. 15 minutes later there were only a few candy sticks left. The glow braclets were a HIT! Look at our cake pics and you can see that I had two on...I forgot to take them off for those pics...OOPS! lol

The dancing was wonderful! Our first dance was so nice, we just chatted and laughed and really enjoyed it. Dad and I had a blast too. The parrrrrrty was rockin'! Everyone was out on the floor and we all danced and was seriously the best party I've ever been to! Everyone said they enjoyed themselves(which is really what we wanted!) and I can't believe it's all over now!

It was seriously this amazing, wonderful, beautiful time! It went by quickly but we drank in all the details. It wasn't a was like a dream though. Everything was relaxed, and perfect. It could not have been better.

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