Saturday, October 1, 2011


Fall is's in the air! I can feel it and smell it...and that means it's ALMOST FREAKING THANKSGIVING!! AHHHH!! Now I know you Americans don't get Thanksgiving when we do but ours is HELLA early this year.  Actually it's next weekend.  Now I'm going to have to work so I've been doing a little research and planning the menu for Mr. Dan and I.  Usually we'll spend time with the folks but I'm working Sunday (dammit!!) so we're doing our first solo Thanksgiving.  It's going to be good.

Anyone care to see my menu...?

Fancy champagne and strawberries! NOMMM

So I'm not doing turkey because I prefer chicken annnnd I'm not buying a huge
turkey for the two of us.  So roast chicken it is.

We're going to have some DELICIOUS cheesy-bread...NOMMM

Roasted veggies! NOMMMMMM

Delicious garlic and herb mashed potatoes!

Annnnnnd we'll finish it off with some pumpkin cheesecake squares *drool*

What are you having for Thanksgiving?!

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