Thursday, July 29, 2010


So recently I've decided to do an over-haul of my life.  I need to stop living in the "I'm in university/poor student" mode and move on to adult mode.  The first part of this process is personal:  update my skincare and beauty regimen, revamp my fitness routines, overhaul our eating habits and really spend some time on our relationship as a couple and our relationships with family/friends.  The second part: financial, but we'll talk about that another time.

A few weeks ago I asked some friends for recommendations on skincare/beauty regimens.  While this may not seem like it should be the first step in my over-haul, I believe that the better you feel about yourself the more confident you will be and the more you will accomplish.  So I set off getting recommendations and trying new products.  It's only been about a week but my skin is already noticeably clearer and softer.  I have less pimples and find myself wearing less make-up.  Step one is in progress!

Step two is my fitness.  While I have been actively trying to lose weight/get fit/ be active for the past 5(ish) years I've never pushed this hard.  Before it was to the gym once or twice a week.  Now I've upped it.  Twice a week minimum( I try for 3x a week), swimming/yoga/biking/something stretchy/cardio at least twice a week and walking the dogs at least once a week.  I've only been on this new kick for 2 weeks but I'm already feeling better about myself and my body.  I'm feeling more active, more alert and better about myself.

Step three overhauling our menu.  Dan and I eat pretty well.  We limit the sweets/junk and fast food but we know when to treat ourselves.  What I've noticed recently, though, is that our portions are off.  We can't usually finish what we have and for the longest time I couldn't figure out why.  Now I understand.  I used to cook for three, when we had a room mate, now I'm only cooking for 2 but I haven't cut back any of my recipes or done much to modify portions.  So step three is scaling them back.  Oh, and adding more veggies.  You can never have too many veggies;)

So the final step, for today, is our relationship.  Dan and I have a wonderful relationship.  He's my best friend.  *insert girly sigh here* But it's because we work at it.  We recently agreed that work was stressing us both out so we've made our minds up that once a week will be date night.  During date night there is only us.  We can do whatever we want - go out, stay in, cook, sleep, play video games, BUT we must do it together.  We've also started taking more vacations.  I'm not talking to far away exotic lands but even just to the Valley for the weekend or the cottage.  It's been really great to get out and explore with him and it's given us lots of time to chat.

So there it is, the first half of my new life plan.

Made any big life changes lately?


  1. This has been pretty inspiring, I've been thinking about making some changes. (Oddly enough, I actually bought a facial moisturizer for the 1st time ever the other day and have been using it) Thanks for the kick in the pants!

  2. I heart you, you crazy Canadian. :) I fully plan on going up with you on the re-vamping of the life-ness as soon as I'm healed up from Pearl's eviction. :)
