Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wow...when did that happen?

So apparently I'm getting married in 33 days.  When did that happen?  I always said I wouldn't panic...there's no point to it.  But I feel like I should be doing something.  I just feel like I have everything under control...and it's too easy.  My suspicions are aroused....  Hmm...

Anyhoar, now that we're so close I've got some things that need to be taken care of.  For example: My cake.  That really needed to get done.  So Mr. Dan and I headed down to the Gingerbread Haus Bakery and ordered our cake.  It won't be EXACTLY like this but:

Picture this with red piping for the ribbon and yellow daisies!

Next I headed down to the tailors and brought my dress in.  You may remember it:
Now, picture me about 20lbs lighter, no sash and with a sweetheart neckline.
Got it?  Good, because I'm lost.

After dropping the dress and getting asked (before I broached the same subject) "Can we pleeeeeeeease do a sweetheart neckline on you?! It would look so fabulous!!" I headed to my DIY pile to see what needed to be done:

Invites and RSVPs made and mailed - CHECK!

Bouquet ideas ready to make with FMIL - CHECK!

Candy buffet ready...minus labels and candy - CHECK!

Girls gifts bought...CHECK but they read this blog and I'm not giving it away =P

Really...everything is done or nearing completion.  I feel good.  I feel calm.  And now, all I need to do is get murried!  33 more days!

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