Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday Follows:

It's that time of the week again - time for Friday Follows!! (Someone cue the music!!)

This week I'd like to send you over to my friend Carrie at Plastic Free Bacon.  Now, Carrie has this amazingly funny sense of humour, and you can see it from her posts, but that's not why she's blogging.  Her and her husband are currently embarking on a journey to live as plastic free as possible.  She blogs about it; the hard parts, the funny parts, why...and just generally amusing plastic free (or not) stories.  I love reading about her adventures in the land of no plastic...I hope you will too!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Windowshop Wednesday

It's that time again ....WINDOW SHOP WEDNESDAY!!

I'm linked up with Katie at The Katie Chronicles and we're doing...ZAPPOS! wo0t!

Let's get started:

I need wedding shoes.  I want bright yellow or bright red to match everything else sooo....

Kenneth Cole! Love!!

Fitzwell...SUPER cute!

I've been eyeing these Sofft shoes for a while now...

Obv. these aren't for the wedding but they're SUPER CUTE slippers!

AND since I'm a purse hoar...

This Hobo bag is killer!

WICKED Fossil purse

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Princesses, eh?!

So, as I've annouced, I'm planning on participating in the Disney Princess 5K in February.  Apparently we each get to chose a princess for our bibs...but how can I chose?  Who should I be?!  I love them all...I was such a Disney kid...8-10 visits over the span of 10 years.  And we drove down each time.  Apparently, my parents were gluttons for punishment.  But that's beside the point - who should I be??!

I'll need to think on this but what do you think?? Who is your favourite princess?  Who do you think I should be?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Up, up and away!!!

I'm actually going "down" if you look at a map...but that's beside the point...I'm off for a vacation with 11 of my crazy-ass friends to my family's farmhouse in beautiful Queen's County, Nova Scotia.  The homestead calls and we must answer.  Got my beer packed, got some groceries, bug spray and sun screen.  I will be spending my weekend drinking beer and swimming in waterfalls.  See you on the flip side, reader!!

Enjoy your weekend!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Getting fit...or something like it

I am always hesitant to post on here about my fitness, or lack there of, and my weight-loss journeys...I know this is supposed to be personal but that stuff is just so....personal.  But today I break with tradition, today I break my silence.  As some of you know, and some of you don't, I'm a large lady.  We're talkin' real plus sized.  I'm actually a 20/22 for anyone that's interested in buying me some wicked new tops...but I digest...Since October I have lost 30 lbs.  Pretty good, right?  Well is! Thanks! But I'm doing more...

This February I am going to jog a 5K in Disney.  That's right, my old adage of "fat chicks don't run" just blew up in my face.  'Cause I'm doin' it.

Let's start at the beginning; Ever since I was a teenager I've wanted to do a 5K.  I just thought it would be so cool to be able to say "I ran a 5K."  Or more importantly "I CAN run a 5K."  Now I thought about training in university and I joined the gym.  Then I got in a skiing accident and my doctor told me that there was NO WAY I would ever be able to run a 5K with a knee like that (I may or may not have walked around on the cracked knee cap and broken leg bone until it healed...oops!) so I gave up.  But it's always been a dream.

Fast forward to my post-grad: Our instructor told us to write down 1, 5 and 10 year goals.  ANYTHING we wanted.  They should be attainable but they should be challenging.  The first thing I wrote, under my 5 year goals, was that I wanted to "Participate in a 5K".  I kind of giggled, but I left it in there.  I NEEDED to do a 5K.

Fast Forward again: I'm the Co-Chair of Public Affairs for the biggest Marathon East of Montreal.  HOLY CRAP! When did I get into this running culture?! And why do I love it?! Everything about it...the back end...the event..the thought of doing it myself....

Let's fast forward one more time: The day of my interview for my current job...I'm sitting in front of the CEO, he's gone over my resume, he's called me in to interview, he's looking through my portfolio and there on the front page are my goals..."Participate in a 5K".  I expected him to laugh, but he looks at me and says "That's really interesting.  Tell me more about the 5K...I'm a runner."  My heart lit up - he didn't laugh he wanted to know more!! So I told him that I was on a fitness journey and my goal was to do a 5K by the 5 year mark (which is 2014)  he loved it and told me that if I wanted to do it then I could.

Then, well a few months after I got the job and became engrossed in this running culture my co-workers seem to have, I told Mr. Dan I wanted to do it.  He also said that I could do it, if I really wanted to he knew I could. (Dear God, I love that man!)  So I started going to the gym more, working harder, and getting in better shape.  I knew I had to be ready because when the opportunity came I needed to take it.

Well, the opportunity has come: In February 2012 I will be in Orlando, Florida with some AMAZING women I've become friends with and I will be taking part in my first 5K race.  HOLY CRAP!!!  And, we will be raising money for a wonderful animal protection organization called APAWS!! Love me some rescue pets!

Now, how have I gotten this far in my training, you may ask?  Well, I've been working hard for a number of years at getting "fit".  I may not be "small" but I'm getting much fitter.  I'm stronger, I've lost weight, I have more energy and I can walk...Oh  boy can I walk!!  And this got me thinking...can I run?  Well, I wanted to find out so 6 weeks ago I started walking one mile, on the treadmill, 3 times a week.  At first it took me a long time - about 35 minutes a mile.  Not good.  But then I started adding in some interval jogging. And I got quicker, and it got easier to do...

Today I walked and did 5, 1 minute jogging intervals, and I went 1.09 miles in 19 minutes and 20 seconds.  I'm not on pace for the Disney 5K (you need to be 16 minutes a mile) But I am SO incredibly proud that I've gone from 35 minutes a mile to 19 minutes a mile!! AMAZABALLS!

So now, reader, I turn to you...keep me accountable and help me keep myself motivated.  Right now, I know it's going to be hard...but with the support of my wonderful family, Mr. Dan, my wonderful friends and you I know I can do it.


Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday Follows!

It's that time again - time for Friday Follows!!

This week I'd like to highlight my friend over at Withy Windle.  Now WW, as we shall call her, just blows my mind!  She is this amazingly creative graphic design artist who sees the whole world through rose coloured glasses - if you're looking for something positive then WW is the blog to visit.  She's got everything from DIY art projects, to updates on her new home (which her and hubs are working on reno-ing together!) and everything and anything Harry Potter.  And most of all WW keeps everything fun, light and refreshing.

If you're looking for a great, cheerful, fun blog then Withy Windle is my most favorite place to go!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It's Windowshop Wednesday!!!!!!!!!

AHHH! It's Windowshop Wednesday again! Love it! This week, Katie, has picked Bed Bath and Beyond. *squeeeee*

Here's my picks:

I need this apple green Kitchenaid Mixer.  I NEED it.

These Touch base lamps would be perfect for our nightstands.

Pot rack, pot rack...everyone needs a nice pot rack!!
I love to bake and this 3-Level cooling rack is AMAZABALLS!

Something fun to play with...and drink with!  

I could go on for days, but I've got supper on the stove and I have to run! oops!  Enjoy;)


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wedding Update!

Today is not Wedding Wednesday...because Wedding Wednesday had turned into Windowshop Wednesday.  So instead, today I will just update you on all the fun things that are going on wedding wise....

So let's get started : 

Canada Post went on strike at the exact moment I was going to send my invitations.  FML, right?  Wellllll, only sort-of.  We ended up hand delivering about 80% of our invitations, which meant we actually got to sit and chat with family and friends (some of which we hadn't seen in a while) and it was really just a nice experience.  CP is back to work now so everything else has been sent!  And I've gotten a few back, and only 2 noes! Woah.

My dress has been sent to the tailors.  I'm SUPER excited about this.  I've gotten skinny.  HAHAHAHAHAH! No, okay that's a lie.  But I did lose 2 sizes since I bought it.  I would post a pic but Mr. Dan is watching me no dice today.  But the big news about it? I'm getting a sweetheart neckline!!*squeeeeee* So excited!

Engagement photos! We're booked in for July 31! I'm pretty excited.  Any tips on what to wear would be greatly appreciated.

That's about it for now...Peace out!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Windowshop Wednesday

It's that time of the week again - the time where I link up with Katie, over at The Katie Chronicles, to do her Windowshop Wednesday.  Today is Etsy!!  Now I had trouble finding things because there is just SO much on I decided to just pick a room and find some neat things for it.  I chose my kitchen.

Loooove this apron from Debz Doodlez
Keep our keys and mail sorted with this organizer from Old New Again

These labels would look TOO cute on the jars we have.  They're from Talents of Sisters

This is TOO cool.   I don't know what I'd use it for but I love it!
From Jodys Art

This is for a friend...she's currently going through a divorce and it's
really eating at her (obv!) so I am actually just about to buy this for her....
so much for window shopping.  Thanks to And the sign says

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sometimes I just draw a blank...

I don't know if this happens to other bloggers but sometimes I really just don't have much to talk about (imagine that- me, being quiet!).  Alas, it's true friends...I have nothing.  So instead I'm going to leave you with my feel good song of the day...I'm not a huge fan of this video, personally I think she could have rocked out SO much harder.  It's a great song, and it just makes me want to dance.  But it was nice to see her *almost* on her own in a video.  And one that wasn't about random nekkidness or aliens.

Anyhoar, I've been rockin' out to our friend Lady Gags all day.


Monday, July 4, 2011

Friday, July 1, 2011