Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wedding Update!

Today is not Wedding Wednesday...because Wedding Wednesday had turned into Windowshop Wednesday.  So instead, today I will just update you on all the fun things that are going on wedding wise....

So let's get started : 

Canada Post went on strike at the exact moment I was going to send my invitations.  FML, right?  Wellllll, only sort-of.  We ended up hand delivering about 80% of our invitations, which meant we actually got to sit and chat with family and friends (some of which we hadn't seen in a while) and it was really just a nice experience.  CP is back to work now so everything else has been sent!  And I've gotten a few back, and only 2 noes! Woah.

My dress has been sent to the tailors.  I'm SUPER excited about this.  I've gotten skinny.  HAHAHAHAHAH! No, okay that's a lie.  But I did lose 2 sizes since I bought it.  I would post a pic but Mr. Dan is watching me type...so no dice today.  But the big news about it? I'm getting a sweetheart neckline!!*squeeeeee* So excited!

Engagement photos! We're booked in for July 31! I'm pretty excited.  Any tips on what to wear would be greatly appreciated.

That's about it for now...Peace out!

1 comment:

  1. Hmm...I would go with a pretty sundress and understated jewelry. I love it when people have engagement photo sessions with "normal" clothes on while in their natural environments and then dressed up pictures. My friends took twenty of their engagement photos in a comic book shop and I loved them more than the traditional ones. It was a definite, "why didn't I think of that" moment. LOL.
