Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Princesses, eh?!

So, as I've annouced, I'm planning on participating in the Disney Princess 5K in February.  Apparently we each get to chose a princess for our bibs...but how can I chose?  Who should I be?!  I love them all...I was such a Disney kid...8-10 visits over the span of 10 years.  And we drove down each time.  Apparently, my parents were gluttons for punishment.  But that's beside the point - who should I be??!

I'll need to think on this but what do you think?? Who is your favourite princess?  Who do you think I should be?

1 comment:

  1. Paige, that's amazing! I'm so jealous. I want to do that some day as well... you'll have to give me tips once you've done it!

    For some reason, I instantly pictured you as like Snow White. Maybe it's the hair? Or the smile?
