Monday, June 27, 2011

A day at the beach

In Nova Scotia there are 4 seasons, like most other places, but they are not any determined length, they are not set at a certain time of year and they will come and go as they please we are *hopefullly* just getting out of the Rainy Season (we're also in Construction overlaps numerous other seasons...) and into our short 2 months of summer.

When the rain finally stopped on Sunday, Mr. Dan and I realized that it was hot and sunny outside and we knew it wouldn't last long (or if it did last long it would be through the work week and then rain again next weekend).  So we jumped on it and took the pugs to a beach near our house.

Now you must understand this: Nova Scotia may not be the warmest place on earth but it has AMAZING white sand beaches, the BEAUTIFUL Atlantic Ocean and HARDCORE waves.  Yes those caps were necessary.

So now, for your enjoyment I present:
A day at the beach...with the pugs.
Off on our journey, Mikey is leading Molly

The beach is just down that hill!

The beach!!


Mikey was scared of the water.

Molly loved it!

But it wouldn't come to her...

Time to go home

She was exhausted

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