Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wedding Wednesday

So, I know I'm over-due for a Wedding Wednesday so let's get right to it.

I promise a full recap of wedding action in the coming weeks but for now lets stick with the topic of invitations.  As you may remember from this post, I was working on my invitations.  I was determined to make them by hand so that I could get what I wanted.  And I did.  And it worked.  And they're AMAZING. And not so expensive!!  Each breaks down to a mere $0.66 each! wo0t!  Oh, and here they are:

Beautiful, right?!

There's just one problem with my wonderful invitations; Canada Post has locked out its' workers!!  OH NOES!  But be proud, I didn't panic.  We've hand delivered the majority of the invitations.  I sent anything that was international while I was on holidays (crossed the boarder from NB to Maine and mailed 'em!) and we've e-mailed everyone else to let them know they're on their way as soon as the mail starts up.

So that's my story and that's my invite.  Now help me induce calm.

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