Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wedding Wednesday - also known as I make pregnant ladies cry....

Welcome to Wedding Wednesday...or making pregnant ladies cry, as I like to call it. But we'll get to that in a minute....

So as you may or may not be aware, my Grandfather is a retired Baptist Minister (as well as a retired teacher, driving instructor, an author...the list goes on...).  Grandpa has graciously agreed to perform our wedding ceremony.  I'm really excited for him to be the one to marry us, it's a really sweet gesture and my heart of ice MIGHT melt enough that I tear up.  Might.  Anyhow, Grandpa recently sent us the lovely ceremony and we okay'd it and sent it back. He's working on memorizing it for us.  But today I got an e-mail from a family friend that made me want to change our vows.  It's too late so I figure I'll incorporate it into our program somehow but it's so true and meaningful that I wanted to share it with you.

And with some of whom just happens to be pregnant and apparently it started some tears.  My marriage vows are just that cool.  hehe!  Sorry C!


Knowing that we are both selfish, weak and willful, I give you my love without conditions.
I will not forget that laughter heals, that resentment corrodes, and selfishness divides, that a child’s happiness relies on our happiness together, that love gives, forgives, and gives again.
I will not be your master nor your servant, but your lover, companion, and friend, your partner in parenthood, your ally in conflict, your comrade in adventure, your consolation in adversity, your confederate in revelry, your accomplice in mischief, and your associate in the search for enlightenment.
I will be your husband/your wife, and your mate and I will spare no effort to be a mate worthy of the love you have given me.

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