Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Follows: Yes, I stole this from Twitter...

I think as bloggers we all need to stick together, so I propose that I will start a "Follow Friday" (and yes, I stole this from, and do this on, Twitter).  Each week I'll pick a blog that I love and tell you why I love it.  Sound good?  Well, good because you have no choice in the matter.

Today's Friday Follow is one of my favourite blogs (written by a good friend of mine) :

First off, Katie tells it like it is.  She doesn't mince words and has no problem telling you exactly what she thinks about a topic - and I like that.  From her blunt stand on the moronic-ness of Sarah Palin (I think we can all agree here) to her desperate love for Alexander Skarsgard, Katie is direct and honest in each of her posts.  And she's funny as hell!

She's got a great section on recipes (all tested on her willing husband) and I assure you that EVERYTHING in that recipe section is delicious!  If you're looking for something really yummy I'd suggest her Smoked Gouda and Prosciutto Mac and Cheese or her Margarita Cupcakes.

Honestly, I think she has one of my favourite blogs to read because I know I'll get a good story, a great recipe or a hearty laugh.

Thanks Katie!!

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