Now, I know some Canadians are against the monarchy but I am not one of them. I love the idea of queens and kings and princes and princesses. Maybe it's the eight year old little girl in me but I can't help it. It's wonderful! I loved watching the "Royal Wedding". And yes, she had a nice dress. Personally, I liked her second one better. Anyhoar, I love the idea that Kate is commoner and William is not. I love that their story is real ;the jealously, the break up, the school romance...eeeeee!!
I am so excited that William and Kate will get to see our beautiful country...although they're missing my province....And it makes me all girly and giggly to think that our lovely elder monarch, Queen Elizabeth (God, Bless Her!), was here last summer! So in honour of Wills and Kate, and maybe to try to entice them here(I know you read my blog, Kate. I got the "anonymous" note;) ) here are the top five things to see/do in the Maritimes (In my opinion):
5) See the Fundy Tides - highest in the world!
4) Cape Spear, Signal Hill and George Street, Newfoundland
3) Anne of Green Gables/Lucy Maude Montgomery's house in PEI
2) Visit beautiful Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
1) Historic downtown Halifax - the Citadel, Waterfront, Point Pleasant Park...I could go on...