Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Windowshop Wednesday

I bring you a treat tonight, dear reader, tonight I will be making my SECOND POST OF THE DAY! ZOMGWTFBBQ?!  That's right because tonight it's time to link up with Katie, over at The Katie Chronicles, to do:

Yayyyy! So today is one of my favorite stores: Old Navy!  Now my version may be a bit different than the other ladies doing this because I will be shopping at not .com.


Let's start off with this short sleeved open-front cardigan.  Love it for work or the weekend.

I was actually going to buy this ruffled jersey babydoll top  when I was
at Old Navy last week...but they didn't have my size!

I have a few of these cropped cardigans and I LOVE them!
I think white would work well with that last top.

Judge all you want but here's something else I've had before...these wide-legged cropped yoga  pants are WICKED.  They are the most comfortable things I've ever owned and they do wonders at the gym!

Last, but not least, we need a nice pair of flats.  These peep toes are super cute!

Wedding Wednesday - also known as I make pregnant ladies cry....

Welcome to Wedding Wednesday...or making pregnant ladies cry, as I like to call it. But we'll get to that in a minute....

So as you may or may not be aware, my Grandfather is a retired Baptist Minister (as well as a retired teacher, driving instructor, an author...the list goes on...).  Grandpa has graciously agreed to perform our wedding ceremony.  I'm really excited for him to be the one to marry us, it's a really sweet gesture and my heart of ice MIGHT melt enough that I tear up.  Might.  Anyhow, Grandpa recently sent us the lovely ceremony and we okay'd it and sent it back. He's working on memorizing it for us.  But today I got an e-mail from a family friend that made me want to change our vows.  It's too late so I figure I'll incorporate it into our program somehow but it's so true and meaningful that I wanted to share it with you.

And with some of whom just happens to be pregnant and apparently it started some tears.  My marriage vows are just that cool.  hehe!  Sorry C!


Knowing that we are both selfish, weak and willful, I give you my love without conditions.
I will not forget that laughter heals, that resentment corrodes, and selfishness divides, that a child’s happiness relies on our happiness together, that love gives, forgives, and gives again.
I will not be your master nor your servant, but your lover, companion, and friend, your partner in parenthood, your ally in conflict, your comrade in adventure, your consolation in adversity, your confederate in revelry, your accomplice in mischief, and your associate in the search for enlightenment.
I will be your husband/your wife, and your mate and I will spare no effort to be a mate worthy of the love you have given me.

Monday, June 27, 2011

A day at the beach

In Nova Scotia there are 4 seasons, like most other places, but they are not any determined length, they are not set at a certain time of year and they will come and go as they please we are *hopefullly* just getting out of the Rainy Season (we're also in Construction overlaps numerous other seasons...) and into our short 2 months of summer.

When the rain finally stopped on Sunday, Mr. Dan and I realized that it was hot and sunny outside and we knew it wouldn't last long (or if it did last long it would be through the work week and then rain again next weekend).  So we jumped on it and took the pugs to a beach near our house.

Now you must understand this: Nova Scotia may not be the warmest place on earth but it has AMAZING white sand beaches, the BEAUTIFUL Atlantic Ocean and HARDCORE waves.  Yes those caps were necessary.

So now, for your enjoyment I present:
A day at the beach...with the pugs.
Off on our journey, Mikey is leading Molly

The beach is just down that hill!

The beach!!


Mikey was scared of the water.

Molly loved it!

But it wouldn't come to her...

Time to go home

She was exhausted

Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Follows: Yes, I stole this from Twitter...

I think as bloggers we all need to stick together, so I propose that I will start a "Follow Friday" (and yes, I stole this from, and do this on, Twitter).  Each week I'll pick a blog that I love and tell you why I love it.  Sound good?  Well, good because you have no choice in the matter.

Today's Friday Follow is one of my favourite blogs (written by a good friend of mine) :

First off, Katie tells it like it is.  She doesn't mince words and has no problem telling you exactly what she thinks about a topic - and I like that.  From her blunt stand on the moronic-ness of Sarah Palin (I think we can all agree here) to her desperate love for Alexander Skarsgard, Katie is direct and honest in each of her posts.  And she's funny as hell!

She's got a great section on recipes (all tested on her willing husband) and I assure you that EVERYTHING in that recipe section is delicious!  If you're looking for something really yummy I'd suggest her Smoked Gouda and Prosciutto Mac and Cheese or her Margarita Cupcakes.

Honestly, I think she has one of my favourite blogs to read because I know I'll get a good story, a great recipe or a hearty laugh.

Thanks Katie!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Windowshop Wednesday

Today I'm linking up with my wonderful friend over at The Katie Chronicles to participate in her FIRST Windowshop Wednesday.  We'll do Wedding Wednesday again soon, I promise!  But I thought this would be wicked fun so let's play along!  This week's store is Crate and here's my wishlist:

I absolutely LOVE this Hamptons Dinnerware dish set

We disparately need a new bed and look at this gorgeous Bento Kona Bed.
All it needs is a wicked memory foam mattress  

And to go with the bed and mattress, I'll take this Vendome Nightstand.
It's a great match to my antique dresser, which you'll learn about in an upcoming post.

We actually have the space for this in the yard right now...the stones are there and EVERYTHING.
We just need a Black Square Firepit.

For my deck! Tons of them...let's put Mesh Lantern and Candleholders EVERYWHERE!
And last but not least I NEED one of these.  Love love love the Dakota 8-Bottle Wine Rack
 (and it would be an excuse to have more wine on hand!!).

That's all for now, folks!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Wills and Kate are coming to play!

Now, I know some Canadians are against the monarchy but I am not one of them.  I love the idea of queens and kings and princes and princesses.  Maybe it's the eight year old little girl in me but I can't help it.  It's wonderful! I loved watching the "Royal Wedding".  And yes, she had a nice dress.  Personally, I liked her second one better. Anyhoar, I love the idea that Kate is commoner and William is not.  I love that their story is real ;the jealously, the break up, the school romance...eeeeee!!

I am so excited that William and Kate will get to see our beautiful country...although they're missing my province....And it makes me all girly and giggly to think that our lovely elder monarch, Queen Elizabeth (God, Bless Her!), was here last summer!  So in honour of Wills and Kate, and maybe to try to entice them here(I know you read my blog, Kate.  I got the "anonymous" note;) ) here are the top five things to see/do in the Maritimes (In my opinion):

5) See the Fundy Tides - highest in the world!
4) Cape Spear, Signal Hill and George Street,  Newfoundland
3) Anne of Green Gables/Lucy Maude Montgomery's house in PEI
2) Visit beautiful Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
1) Historic downtown Halifax - the Citadel, Waterfront, Point Pleasant Park...I could go on...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wedding Wednesday

So, I know I'm over-due for a Wedding Wednesday so let's get right to it.

I promise a full recap of wedding action in the coming weeks but for now lets stick with the topic of invitations.  As you may remember from this post, I was working on my invitations.  I was determined to make them by hand so that I could get what I wanted.  And I did.  And it worked.  And they're AMAZING. And not so expensive!!  Each breaks down to a mere $0.66 each! wo0t!  Oh, and here they are:

Beautiful, right?!

There's just one problem with my wonderful invitations; Canada Post has locked out its' workers!!  OH NOES!  But be proud, I didn't panic.  We've hand delivered the majority of the invitations.  I sent anything that was international while I was on holidays (crossed the boarder from NB to Maine and mailed 'em!) and we've e-mailed everyone else to let them know they're on their way as soon as the mail starts up.

So that's my story and that's my invite.  Now help me induce calm.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Well...I'm at it again...

I know, I know, I've broke your hearts once before.  But not again - it won't happen.  Well.....I can't promise that but I do know that I really enjoyed this outlet.  I really enjoyed sharing my thoughts, my life, my pugs...with you.  My one, loyal reader.  Anyhoar, I want to continue this.  I want to make it work.  So will you take me back, please?